Kazı gibi yollarla ortaya çıkarılan tarihî yapıların, kültürel, sanatsal ve tarihsel yönden incelenmesine, arkeoloji bilimi deniyor.. Her ne kadar ortaya çıkarılanlar genelde binalar ve benzeri mimari yapılar olsa da, bu bilimin aslında incelediği temel konu, bu yapıları kullanmış olan insanlığın kültürel geçmişi, kültürlerin değişimi ve kültürlerin birbirleriyle ilişkileridir.. Yunanca’da Arkheos, yani eski; ve Logos, yani bilim sözcüklerinden oluşturulmuş bir kelime olan arkeoloji, kısacası insanlık tarihinin geçmişinin kayıt defteridir..
Ülkemiz gibi, toprakları üzerindeki medeniyetlerin yerleşimin M.Ö 9500’lere kadar dayandığı bir coğrafyada, arkeolojiyi sevmemek olmaz diye düşünüyorum.. Hemen her şehrin, binlerce yıla dayanan bir geçmişi var bu ülkede.. Halen de kah tarım için, kah artan nüfusa yeni yerleşimler oluşturmak için toprak kazıldıkça, altından tarih fışkıran bir coğrafyada yaşıyoruz.. Ancak bazen de o kadar fazla fışkırıyor ki bu tarih, arkeolojik kazılarda ortaya çıkarılan Hasankeyf veya Allianoi gibi geçmişin şehirleri kaderlerine terk ediliyor birer birer, bugün yer aldıkları topraklarda kurulan ülke yönetimlerince..
Benim gibi arkeoloji seven biri için kabul etmek zor, günümüz koşullarına yenik düşmesi “eski”nin.. Çünkü yaşanan, yaşanılan her şey ve her yer bir gün eski oluyor.. Yeniyi yazmak ve yaşamak içinse, insanlık ancak bu eskilerden ders alabilir.. Tabii ki arkeolojinin yardımı ile.. Gün geçtikçe, kazılar devam edecek ve insanlık tarihiyle ilgili bugüne doğru gelen zincirde eksik olan halkalar birer birer tamamlanacak..
Örneğin 2010 yılında, şu ana kadar birçok arkeolojik kazı ile, dünya genelinde onlarca önemli yeni arkeolojik keşif yapıldı.. Ülkemiz de onlarca yeni kazıyla tarihi geçmişini biraz daha zenginleştirdi.. Özellikle, Milas yakınlarında bulunan Kral Hekatomnos’a ait lahit, son yılların en önemli arkeolojik keşfi oldu Türkiye’de. Hekatomnos, bugün Bodrum’daki mezarı antik dünyanın yedi harikasından biri sayılan Karya Kralı Maussollos’un da babası.. Ancak, lahit define avcılarınca kaçak bir kazıda bulundu.. Jandarmanın baskını sonucu ortaya çıkarılan bu yasal olmayan kazı yine de içindekilerin bir kısmının kaçırılmasına engel olamadı.. Aynen, Hasankeyf ve Allianoi örneklerindeki gibi, arkeoloji sevmesi gereken bir ülkeye yakışmayan bir görüntü ortaya kondu..
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2007'de Mantova, İtalya'da yapılan bir arkeolojik kazıda bulunan birbirine sarılmış bir çift.. İskeletlerin 5000 yıllık olduğu sanılıyor.. - A couple's skeletons which was founded in an archeological study in the year 2007, near Mantova, Italy.. It was thought the bodies are 5000 years old.. |
Dünyada ise, sadece Nisan ayından Eylül ayı sonuna kadar ortaya çıkarılan ve gelecek kuşaklara miras kalacak çok değerli tarihi eserler ile verimli bir arkeoloji sezonu daha geride kalmak üzere.. Bunlardan biri olan, İngiltere Somerset yakınlarında ortaya çıkarılan ve Frome definesi Mlarak adlandırılan gömüde, tam 52503 adet Roma madeni parası bulundu. M.S. 4. yüzyıla ait bu hazinenin Somerset Müzesi tarafından, İngiltere Hazine Değerleme Komitesi’nin belirleyeceği bir değerden, satın alınması bekleniyor.. Bu durumda, ülke yasalarına göre ödülün büyük kısmı hazineyi bulan metal detektörcü ile gömünün bulunduğu arazi sahibine pay edilecek..
Gene ülkemizden bir örnek vermek gerekirse, ülkeler arasında tarihe bakış açısının ne kadar farklı olduğunu görürüz.. Türkiye’de, Karadeniz bölgesinin, insanlarının naifliğinden sık sık fıkralara konu olduğu bilinir.. Hikayemiz de zaten bu bölgedeki Trabzon kentinde geçiyor.. Bir Alman vatandaşı yıllar önce Trabzon’a turistik amaçlı gelir, ve tesadüfen karşılaştığı bir manastır kalıntısı görür.. Hemen arazinin sahibine gider ve yanına da bir mescit yapmayı teklif ederek manastırı onarmak ister. Karadenizli arazi sahibi, bunun kendisi için sorun olmayacağını, ancak Alman vatandaşının devletten izin alması gerektiğini söyler.. Alman, Turizm il müdürlüğüne gider ve isteğini arz eder.. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı durumu inceler, ve manastırın il kayıtlarında yer almadığını, yeni bir keşif olduğunu tespit eder..
Yasaya göre tarihi eser değeri taşıyan bir yapı, keşfedildiğinde özel arazide yer alamaz. Yani Alman vatandaşının, bizim Karadenizliden istediği arazi, manastırın resmi kayda girmesinden sonra devletin olur.. Şimdi yıllardır süren bir hukuk mücadelesi devam ediyor;Karadenizli vatandaş, Alman turist ve Türk devleti arasında.. Karar verildiğinde, ya arazi tamamen devletin olacak, ya Türk ve Alman arasındaki anlaşma geçerli olacak, ya da hiçbir şey yaşanmamış gibi her şey bundan yıllar öncesine dönecek, manastır onarım teklifi hiç yapılmamışçasına..
Arkeoloji işte.. Bazen bu gibi anlaşmazlıklara da sahne olsa, ortaya çıkanlarla kazanan hep insanlık oluyor.. Bu işin bir diğer güzel tarafı da; her gün, dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde, birbiriyle bağımsız sayısız uygarlıkla ilgili yeni bilinmeyenler günışığına çıkıyor.. Hayat devam ettikçe hiç durmadan devam edecek bir bayrak yarışı gibi.. Biz yaşadıkça arkeoloji devam edecek ve yeni “eski”ler ortaya çıkarılacak. Aynı zamanda, biz yaşayacağız, ve yaşananlar da eskiyecek, bir gün bulunmak üzere, geçici olarak saklanacaklar..
Nils Filmer
Arkeoloji; Tarihin Saklambacı – Archeology; Hide and Seek Game of History
The scientific study of digging the historical structures, and researching them in cultural, artistic, and historical ways is called the archeology science.. Eventhough what is found in archeological studies is generally buildings or any kind of structures, the main subject of this science is; researching the civilizations that used those buildings or artifacts, their cultural backgrounds, the changes in these cultures in different time periods and the intercultural ties between different civilizations.. In ancient Greek, the word Arkheos refers to old, while Logos means science.. These two words compose the word archeology, what we can describe as the record book of humanity's history..![]() |
Bergama, Türkiye - Pergamon, Turkey |
Arkeoloji; Tarihin Saklambacı – Archeology; Hide and Seek Game of History
I think that everybody should like the archeology science in a country like Turkey, as here the first settlements that was recorded in our geography is going back to the years B.C. 9500.. Almost every city has a history of thousand years.. Still today, either for farming, or building new homes for today's residents the new excavations resulting in finding new archeological treasures.. However, sometimes the history touching the sunlight is so much that, the founded archeological ruins like Hasankeyf or Allianoi ,are conflicting with today's cities.. Generally it is the ruins that are losing the war between the old and the new, because of the cultural politics of today's administrations..
It is hard to accept the defeat of "old" against the new, for someone like me who loves archeology.. Everything and everywhere that has lived is becoming old one day.. To write and live the new, humanity should only and only take lesson from the old events.. Of course with the help of the archeology.. Day after day, these studies will continue, and the missing links of the chain of humanity's history will be revealed..
For example in the year 2010, throughout the world there has been many new archeological discoveries made.. Even in our country, in Turkey, the cultural background became richer with the new excavations.. Especially the exploration made near Milas, Turkey was the most important for this country in the recent years.. The tomb of King Hekatomnos was found in the last weeks of this summer.. He was the father of Karian King Maussollos, whose monumental tomb in Bodrum, Turkey (Halicarnassos) was one of the seven ancient wonders.. However, the tomb of hekatomnos was found during illegal digging activities by smugglers.. Although the security forces discovered them, it was a little bit late and some of the treasuries were already stolen.. Similar to the stories in Hasankeyf and Allianoi, not the right behaviour from a country who is expected to like archeology because of its rich historical background..
On the other hand, in the world another archeological season is nearing to the end in Northern Hemisphere.. This year only between the months of April and end of September, many new discoveries made in this science, which will be a rich heritage to the future generations.. One of them is the Frome Hoard found near Somerset in England.. This treasuary is composed of 52503 coins from Roman time belonging to A.C. 4th century.. It is expected that, this treasury will be bought by the Somerset Museum, by a value assessed by the British Treasury Valuing Committee.. After that, according to the national law the prize will be divided between the metal dedectorist and the land owner where the treasury was founded..
If we return to Turkey with another example from archeology, we will easily see how different could be the point of view of different countries to this study.. In Turkey it is a known fact that, the people of Black Sea region are the subject of jokes due to their naive nature.. Our story is also coming from that region, from the city of Trabzon.. One German citizen had came to Trabzon years ago for a touristic visit and coincidently seing a monastery ruin on his way.. Immediately he finds the land owner, and asking him if he can restore the monastery, and as a gesture he promised to build also a masjid next to the monastery.. The Black Sea man said, it is not a problem for him, but the German citizen should still take permission from the state for the restoring effort.. Then, the German went to the local office of Tourism bureau in the city and applied for his request.. Culture and Tourism Ministry made a research about the incident, and found that this monastery was never recorded in this city's cultural inventory..
According to the law, if there is a new discovery made that has an ancient value, the land of the discovery cannot be owned by a private owner.. So, the land where the German asked the Black Sea man if he can restore the old monastery, became the land of the state after once they made an official application to the ministry! Now the case is in the court for long years between three sides; The German, The Black Sea man, and the Turkish state.. When the verdict will be given, the land will be either belonging to the state, or it will be divided according to the agreement of two men.. The third possibility is; the parties will act like the offer by the German man was never made..
That's archeology.. Eventhough sometimes similar small disagreements arising, it is always the humanity earning with the new discoveries.. The nice side of this science is; everyday, in every corner of the world, from many unrelated civilizations, new discoveries from under the soil are touching the daylight.. Like an athletics relay race, which is transferred by every new generation to the next one, and will be never ending.. As long as humanity will live, archeology will go on its discoveries, and new "old things" will be founded.. At the same time, we will live, and what we live will become old one day.. They will be hidden temporarily, for one day to be founded by new archeologists..
Nils Filmer
On the other hand, in the world another archeological season is nearing to the end in Northern Hemisphere.. This year only between the months of April and end of September, many new discoveries made in this science, which will be a rich heritage to the future generations.. One of them is the Frome Hoard found near Somerset in England.. This treasuary is composed of 52503 coins from Roman time belonging to A.C. 4th century.. It is expected that, this treasury will be bought by the Somerset Museum, by a value assessed by the British Treasury Valuing Committee.. After that, according to the national law the prize will be divided between the metal dedectorist and the land owner where the treasury was founded..
If we return to Turkey with another example from archeology, we will easily see how different could be the point of view of different countries to this study.. In Turkey it is a known fact that, the people of Black Sea region are the subject of jokes due to their naive nature.. Our story is also coming from that region, from the city of Trabzon.. One German citizen had came to Trabzon years ago for a touristic visit and coincidently seing a monastery ruin on his way.. Immediately he finds the land owner, and asking him if he can restore the monastery, and as a gesture he promised to build also a masjid next to the monastery.. The Black Sea man said, it is not a problem for him, but the German citizen should still take permission from the state for the restoring effort.. Then, the German went to the local office of Tourism bureau in the city and applied for his request.. Culture and Tourism Ministry made a research about the incident, and found that this monastery was never recorded in this city's cultural inventory..
According to the law, if there is a new discovery made that has an ancient value, the land of the discovery cannot be owned by a private owner.. So, the land where the German asked the Black Sea man if he can restore the old monastery, became the land of the state after once they made an official application to the ministry! Now the case is in the court for long years between three sides; The German, The Black Sea man, and the Turkish state.. When the verdict will be given, the land will be either belonging to the state, or it will be divided according to the agreement of two men.. The third possibility is; the parties will act like the offer by the German man was never made..
That's archeology.. Eventhough sometimes similar small disagreements arising, it is always the humanity earning with the new discoveries.. The nice side of this science is; everyday, in every corner of the world, from many unrelated civilizations, new discoveries from under the soil are touching the daylight.. Like an athletics relay race, which is transferred by every new generation to the next one, and will be never ending.. As long as humanity will live, archeology will go on its discoveries, and new "old things" will be founded.. At the same time, we will live, and what we live will become old one day.. They will be hidden temporarily, for one day to be founded by new archeologists..
Nils Filmer
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