Son dönemlerde, bir de duman grisi katıldı bu renkler arasına. Yangın mevsimlerinde, Avustralya ve California'nın önlenemez alevleri, ardından İzlanda'da faaliyete geçen ve yalnız bu Avrupa'dan adeta izole küçük adayı değil, tüm kıtayı da etkileyen Eyyafyallajökkul yanardağı.. Şimdi bunlara bir de, yüzyılın en yüksek mevsimsel sıcağıyla boğuşan Rusya'daki yangınlar eklendi. Moskova'da smog yüzünden görüş 50 metrenin altına düştü.. Uzaydan bakan bir göz, artık gri rengi de dünyanın olağan bir tonu olarak görecek, insanlığın dünyaya verdiği zararların, doğa tarafından artık sindirilemeyerek geri kusması yüzünden. Renklilik güzel olsa da, dünyaya yeşil ve maviden başkası yakışmıyor işte..
Nils Filmer
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Moskova yakınındaki yangınlar - Fires near Moscow |
Duman Kokulu Moskova - Smoky Moskow - дымчатый Москва
We all know how the Earth is looking from the space more or less.. In recent times, it is obviously seen that the dominant blue and green color of our planet is changing.. In the North Pole the white color, one of the minor colors of the Earth is getting smaller and smaller, due to the melting of glaciers.. On the other hand, the green color is also turning into yellow tones of barren soil quickly, because of the devastation of world forests.. Do you think, these are the only colors if we would look to our planet from the space?
Recently, grey is also among the new colors of our "home".. In the fire seasons; the uncontrollable Australian bush fires, and the forest fires arising in California, then also the Eyyafyallajökkul volcano eruption in Iceland, had not only affected those countries, but their continents as well.. Even Iceland's location is isolated from Europe, the volcano's ashes and smoke reached to many countries.. Now, the latest ring of the chain is the unstoppable forest fires around Moscow and in Russia, which is struggling with the worst heatwave of the nation's history.. The sight in capital Moscow is under 50 meters.. Because of the harm the humanity is giving to the environment, the nature can't absorb the pollution anymore, and vomiting it back with anger over us.. An eye looking from the space toward the Earth, will see the grey tones from now on, more and more, like it is a natural color of our planet.. Although keeping something colorful is a good aspect, I think blue and green is the best fitting and only needed colors of the world..
Nils Filmer
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